Friday, March 28, 2014


Allah has given us another chance. Currently im expecting and already in 2nd trimester. Alhamdulillah. Conceived all naturally with the help of BBT Chart, OPK's, habatussauda, Folic Acid, EPO, clomid and PRAYERS.

I have no guts to announce it earlier since this pregnancy had some complication from beginning. Bleed at 5 weeks and was put on Duphaston. Terrible morning sickness just like the first pregnancy and it bleed again on 12 weeks. Currently on Duphaston again.

I feel guilt for not sharing this news with my fellow TTCians. I am sorry for this news. I always pray for the ttcians. Infertility sucks! May Allah open the rezk for all of you too.

With this, i am not going to update this blog anymore.

Monday, February 10, 2014


With my office work. Im stucked. No Helper. Feel Lost.

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