Saturday, May 21, 2011

After effect

Suddenly feel like to stop concentrating on baby making and want to start looking for own house. Housing price keep on increasing and me and dh have not discussed about it yet. Apart from that, want to have a nice overseas holiday trip. I have a trip planned for coming July but no holiday package yet. May be i should start focusing on the holiday?

Why im feeling so? I guess its after effect reading the Baby not on board book :p

5 their rebelling minds:

puanstoberi said...

yep..umah skang ni da thp2 juta2 je seme. gilos. tak juta2 pun stgh juta tu harus utk umah ada tanah kat KL ni. Pheww... la holiday dulu..kak pun excited nak holiday je ni. Walhal bln Okt nati. kui kui kui

Ayien Azreen said...

alhamdulillah dah ade 2 biji rumah sendiri... so, dear... kalo u belum better start ok... well i guess we cant focus not 1 matter only... ;)
enjoy life, kayy... huhu... really want to buy that book... argghhh...
(tomolo i'm going to langkawi... yippie)

antuawe said...

sgt setuju. im looking around for houses also. tp harga perghhhh. but of ikutkan, treatment tu aje da bole wat 1/2 down payment kan.

felt like not going to doc anymore. give up hope actually + nk lari dr sume ni. bole ke?

honeylily said...

macam best je buku tu..nak g cari gak la..
hmm, macam sama plk situation kite..i pun tgh sibuk cari rumah..mahal gile la skrg..price ok, rumah x ok..rumah ok, location plk..location ok, harga la plak...adoiii..pening..pening..

Lady Mira said...

kak reen - tu la... pening fikir pasal rumah ni... tp mmg dah kena start plan ni... klau tak mesti makin naik lagi.

kak ayien - alhamdulillah... wa sronotnya dah ada 2biji! buku tu more to how to enjoy life without child la... tp mmg funny cth2nya. selamat bercuti...

S - kan... sometimes mmg rasa drp buat treatment yg asyik bg the same result... why done go for something that atleast we can have... tp ... being woman... kita mesti akan kembali ttc lagi kan... S sayang.. dont give up!

honeylily - kan... ssh kan... location pun penting... rege pun penting... mana nk cari niii!

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